Maintenance & Operations

Kerala is state having higher standard of living, human development indices and education level in comparison to other Indian states. Though we have contributed some great sportsmen / women to the country, there was an evident dearth of sports facilities available in the state. The lack of facilities and international exposure could be the main reason for our inability to produce any Olympic laurel so far. Over the last 5 years, the state has been creating Sport Infrastructure of international standards for sports training / coaching as well as for conducting national or international events.
It is a well-known fact that, the children of the present generation is getting addicted to electronic gadgets for their entertainment and is moving away from play grounds. Lack of playgrounds/ open space, lack of proper sports infrastructure, lack of coaches etc. can be attributed to this scenario.
Large number of Sports Stadiums and associated infrastructure has been created in the last four years of the Government. The infrastructure thus created should work on a self-sustaining revenue generation model.
For the sports construction, maintenance, and facility operations management a centralized arrangement is essential. For the same a new public sector enterprise (PSE) Sports Kerala Limited was formed and handed over the responsibility of The construction, operations and routine maintenance of the sporting infrastructure in the state.

Organization Structure